Searching for Greatness
We all are looking for something in life to make us feel complete. At some point in life, everyone is searching for greatness! You may not realize it, but we all have a natural desire to feel fulfilled, accomplished, and important. Join host Michael Fleer as he talks with people who have found true greatness in life and how you too can achieve greatness! Listen to stories of real people share real stories of real change through a relationship with Jesus Christ!
Searching for Greatness
Lisa's Story - New Life, Purpose, Truth, Real Hope
Michael Fleer
Season 1
Episode 8
Lisa shares her story on today's episode. Lisa knew she had problems in her life that she couldn’t fix on her own. She was looking for answers. Seeking something greater than herself. Her search led to her attending a bible study where she discovered who Jesus really is and ever since that moment, her life has never been the same.
Matthew 6:33